What Is Difference Between Education (Formal/Non Formal) and Intelligence?

The history of education is as early as the history of man's in the grassland of eastern Africa, in the valleys in Ethiopia, when early man was passing knowledge, skills and attitude from older generation to the younger generation, even when they were roaming the grassland of Africa, that was the earliest form of education.
When cultures began to extend their knowledge beyond the basic skills of communicating, trading, gathering food, religious practices, etc., formal education and schooling, eventually followed. Schooling was in place in Egypt between 3000 and 500BC. And the oldest University in the world is the University of Kaureem, Morocco founded in1088
Adults trained the young of their society in the knowledge and skills they would need to master and eventually pass on. The evolution of culture, and human beings as a species depended on this practice of transmitting knowledge. In the early societies this was done orally and through imitation.
Story telling continued from one generation to the next. Oral language developed into written symbols and letters. The depth and breadth of knowledge that could be preserved and passed soon increased exponentially.
Formal education is any form of instruction or education provided by a recognized, structure institutions teaching courses or even at home, following a planned course of study. Most formal education is classroom-based, provided by trained or specialized instructors. As normally used, the term formal education refers to the structured educational system.
The term non-formal education is used to distinguish formal education from self-education obtained through personal experiences, life and general reading. In contrast, non-formal education refers to education that takes place outside of the formally organized schooling system. This type of education is called non-formal because; it is not compulsory and it does not lead to formal certifications and mostly acquired outside the so-called school structured system.
The word education is derived from educare (Latin) "bring up", which is related to educere "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential" and ducere, "to lead"
Education is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another. The education training is chiefly from the old to the younger generation. Education helps you with your thought process and decision making abilities. Education gives you a solid foundation that you can build upon. Education is not just the piece of paper called diploma, they are those things you bump into during the process that enlightens your mind, which in turns tiger the intellect in you. That is the benefit of an educational process. The things you stumble into during the process.
Both formal and informal education settings offer different strengths to the education of the society at large. One of the dangers of formal education is that we are program to follow, instead of leading. Where the acquired education transfers to intelligence is when you create.
Intelligence on the other hand, is the ability to comprehend; the ability of the mind comprehending related abilities, such as the capacities for abstract thinking (Critical thinking), think rationally, thought, reasoning, planning and problem solving, to understand and profit from experience gathered. Inshore, intelligence is what you do with what you know to achieve the some form of goal.
You can go to all the finest schools, colleges and universities; you cannot get a diploma for intelligence. You develop intelligence, however, a solid education enhances your intelligence. Intelligence is like creativity, you have it or you don't. You cannot teach creativity, you can only enhance it. Similarly, intelligence in an innate ability you have that can be enhanced with solid education.
As someone put it perfectly well, "Formal education makes you a living while self education, makes you a fortune". That is what you call Intelligence.
Delson Adeoye, a seasoned lecturer that has appeared on television and radio discussing issues ranging from business to diversity. I am about to publish a book on Race Relations, title: Africans In America, Hear Our Stories.
Since 1985, Delson Adeoye has positioned himself as the bridge between the perceived and the realities of understanding people, race, culture and doing international business.
Delson Adeoye is a marketing guru with a mind of a strategist, with a great affinity for reading and writing. Take advantage of my talents and let me watch you grow.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5704880


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